While, hopefully this type of failure is an uncommon occurrence for the customer, recovering from this type of casualty is routine for TIG marine . While the technical aspects and logistics associated with replacing a large crankshaft may seem overwhelming, we are regularly called upon to replace crankshafts on smaller auxiliary generators as well as larger main engines and power plant generators. Every aspect of the replacement is carefully planned and undertaken by highly experienced TIG marine’ engineers and we can mobilize our teams anywhere in the world in quick order. Minimizing downtime and expense is our focus.
Another factor affecting downtime and cost of repair is securing a replacement crankshaft. Through our global network of stations and suppliers TIG marine is very often able to offer fully inspected, class certified, reconditioned crankshafts at a significantly lower price than the cost of a new crankshaft and usually faster than a new one can be delivered from the OEM. Additionally, TIG marine stations around the globe have the capability to recondition diesel engine crankshafts in their workshops.